Water Tank Cleaning Company

Dubai Municipality Approved: Water Tank Cleaning Services in Dubai for Commercial & Residential Properties

Let us SAVE you – TIME, MONEY & WATER !

TIME – by cleaning your tank quickly and easily using our unique vacuum system

MONEY – by reducing wear and tear on your pumps and filters by removing the cause ( sediment from the base of your watertank )

WATER – we don’t empty your tank as we only use a small portion of the water to remove the sediment.

Water tank cleaning service in dubai

The Watertank Cleaning Company NSW have a specialised and unique industrial system which vacuums the water tank , removing the sediment without stirring it up and as a result uses minimal water – ensuring you are left with the cleanest H2O available 

Services Offered

Cleaning : We are specialists in cleaning watertanks for both domestic , commercial and industrial use.

Supply : We can supply & fit metal roofs to open tanks , build tanks stands , change watertank filters plus install leaf guards to down pipes and mossie stoppers on over flows. We can also supply & fit Tank Liners to existing concrete tanks where it is unsuitable to repair cracks.

Tank Access : As there is no physical entry to the tank required there is no possibility of contamination via the operator and therefore the tank can remain in service. In the extreme case where we may need to enter the tank – you can rest assured all our Watertank Cleaning Company NSW employee’s are ‘Confined Spaces‘ Certified and can carry this work out in the safest way posssible.

Equipment Hygiene : Please note that we are cleaning specialists of watertanks and our equipment is used specifically for this purpose. The cleaning implements and hoses are sprayed and flushed with a solution of sodium hydrochloride to kill any bacteria that may be present on the equipment after completion of a clean that may have had water high in bacteria.

Water Hygiene : We can disinfect the remaining water to kill bacteria in a client’s tank after the cleaning process – particularly if decaying vegetation,sediment, insects, reptiles or animals have been present . We can improve poor quality water – i.e. smelly, tainted or discoloured drinking water, and will remove the build-up of sediment from the floor of your tank even when it’s FULL, leaving you and your family with clean, clear, safe water.

Tank Maintenance : We are experts in this field and can advise on methods and means of maintaining your tank water free of undesirable taste, odour and contaminating deposits, algae and harmful bacteria.

Service Programs : We can provide a regular yearly maintenance/service program for your watertank to ensure your tank is in great shape. We will inspect the condition of your tank , check the quality of water and provide a detailed written report. Special discounts apply for 3 , 5 and 7yr programs.

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